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  • "but i need chrome for work"
    and are you working 100% of the time?

  • "but xyz only works on chrome"
    set your user agent to spoof chrome and get back to me on that

  • "but chrome is faster/uses less ram"
    i wish i still lived in 2010 too

kerning matters because sometimes you actually wanted to buy 10 fuckering lights

@andrewt well i wasn't trying to be too serious :blobtongue:

personally, i think python's negative indexing (and slicing!) is extremely useful and i grok that lua's index-from-one stems more from historical reasons (and i prefer to be able to use rather than -1 to get to the last element of a list)

@andrewt does it help knowing that lua doesn't have arrays and you can index tables with whatever you want, including the number 0?

@madewokherd oh! yeah, we feel a bit the same

but also it was something that like, didn't occur to us until it was put into words and was a "oh" moment

especially in how in the larger context of where i saw it it related to trauma

circling back to "being trapped behind your eyes"

cept its more than one

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most important phrase ive read today: "Being trapped behind your eyes sounds like dissociation." oops

realizing that probably the hardest mental blocks stopping me from making more music is the abuse i've suffered in musictracker circles about 10 years ago that i haven't fully healed from yet

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!