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ok nerds convince me i can give up windows fixing this one 100% dealbreaker for me. why is ms sans serif rendering like shit in scite and not in windowmaker. don't monkey paw me and make it render like shit in both

@krishean i'm trynig to use the ttfs straight out of windows xp and they display with hinting perfectly inside windowmaker which uses pango. but gtk apps make random letters too bold ??? like a stupid rounding error. i can't fathom it. i hate it

it's loading the right font, but the hinting is totally fucked up. i have no idea why

year of the linux desktop everybody

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@krishean do you know how to make it start without the window size being bigger than my desktop resolution

@krishean it's the only text editor i could find that 1. didn't have 100 dependencies 2. didn't try to override windowmaker window trimmings and window title

@zwol it doesn't. it turns out this is by fault of me naively trying to use pcf and bdf fonts which the enlightened gnome pango developers know better than me than to let me do that

@zwol it doesn't. it turns out this is by fault of me naively trying to use pcf and bdf fonts which the enlightened gnome pango developers know better than me than to let me do that the last year i had fun with linux was maybe 2014 so i need to use older versions of linux at which point i might as well just get stuck on windows xp

i cannot find anything on google for "all bitmap fonts show the same font that isn't the bitmap font i'm selecting" so if any people who would like to convince me that it's any better than windows could shed some light into this feel fre to replyguy me

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is there a way to hack a samsung tv that's on the same LAN as me to mute it remotely

linux is hyperconfigurable as long as you have the exact same machine as the maintainer and want the exact same config as the maintainer

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yes i have ln-s'ed "70-yes-bitmaps.conf". yes i have rebuilt font config cache. yes windows in 1995 had a better font support

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for an operating system that purports to make old devices useful linux sure is allergic to bitmap fonts and resolutions lower than 1920x1080

in an unprecedented groundbreaking move we have decided to run the 2024 elections through an online participation poll and now we are proud to announce that the next president with an overwhelming majority of votes is "See Results"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!