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As the United States of America is neither a union of all the states in the Americas nor the only union of states in the Americas, and as such the demonym "American" robs the identities of two whole continents of nations and most of a third continent, I propose that the federal union currently bearing the name should instead recognize the heritage of its first emperor, adopting the name "Nortonian Empire," and recognizing its people with the demonym "Nortonian," effective 1859-09-17.

@ultranurd yeah that's what someone else said! it's the only explanation i've heard that makes sense

"you shouldn't feel bad about not doing anything all day, capitalism is a human construct!!! 😊😊😊💜💜💜" i don't feel bad because i'm not productive in the capitalist sense. i feel bad because i've done nothing but scroll social media all day. being productive for the self regardless of capitalism is mental health too. fuck your toxic positivity

i wish the united states a very get a country name that doesn't usurp my continent's name

@vxo i won't find a clip of this easily but there's a bit in columbo s7ep3 "make me a perfect murder" where while avoiding columbo the murderer just randomly slaps every control on a 1970s broadcasting VTR and the viewer gets treated to a psychedelic view of peter falk behind every single possible video filter they had at the time which they were probably just flexing with

dwm.exe was somehow choking it. killed the process, nothing seems to have changed behaviour so i'm not sure what from it was choking, but now my GPU usage cratered.

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several hours later here's a writeup on how i did:

spoilers, i didn't recover the whole JPEG. but about half of it is intelligible

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@diazona yeah that's pretty much how i thought about doing it, i just wanted to know if someone already had so i don't have to reinvent the wheel 😅

@diazona given that windows cleartype makes every single character pixel perfect identical and i've reduced it to 16 colors for even higher accuracy and even I and l are distinctive (dunno which one is which, but i can tell the two apart) i think i'll get 100%. there's no way i'm typing all of it out lol it's massive

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!