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The #RSS spec was released 25 years ago on this day. Happy birthday, RSS! 🎂 🎉 🎁

M5Sound now can load samples from SD card

here it is playing a 3 MB sample with 1024 bytes for the I2S buffer and 256 bytes for the file buffer

not as impressive as it could be considering this is on top of (at least tested so far) 4-channel software mixing for playback that i'm not demonstrating here

this is a machine with less than 200 KB free for the micropython stack

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@alexcox i'm just seeing people talk about her again and i'm trying to bait whoever is still watching her videos to argue with me so i can block them because i want to no longer see them and because i'm bored

@jovemadulto @anna comprei um desses mas direto do fabricante, não pela ama$$$on. chegou com a caixa quebrada (devido ao envio, não por culpa do fabricante). não gostei da qualidade.

@anna fui caçar pra ver se achava mais barato (o meu comprei acho que uns 4 anos atrás por +/- 60 reais) e achei aqui fora do ML. por pix fazem por 77 reais, achei bom

@anna eu super recomendo, nunca vi o mako em pessoa mas imagino que é o mesmo dropshipping. o cabo é inteiro em metal e o ímã que segura as ponteiras é bem forte. não deixa nada a desejar

@caz what program are you looking for, might be easier to look for that than a specific ftp. discmaster is back and searching by filename usually unearths a lot of "lost" stuff

@mos_8502 a then-girlfriend once LANed mine and her windows98 laptops together over the internet across the globe once just to flirt with me over microsoft netmeeting. i miss that kind of stuff and i don't have macs, so this would be very welcome

@datarama you have no idea how long i've been fighting for this exact argument across multiple social media platforms

it's so refreshing to finally see someone else who agrees, thank you

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!