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damn we're coming up on 7 years of computer fairies next month. amazed and thankful this place is still up

2024 fediverse users: god this place is becoming so cliquey

2017 fediverse users:

@anna no bairro que moramos há 20 anos tudo que eu lembro quando criança está sendo demolido pra virar prédio residencial bosta pra colocar mais tráfego em horário comercial num canto com ruas extremamente estreitas

@anna pois é, infelizmente aqui é tudo assim faz tempo já 😞​

@anna pô, hoje em dia 2 dormitórios por menos de um milhão acho em conta até

if u agree, fav if u agree, fav if u agree, fav if u agree, fav if u agree

@caz i don't know a lot of them! which is why i'd like more recommendations. most of what i know is madness and goldfinger

Reminder - if there's adult content you were selling on Gumroad but not sure where to sell now, is very defensive of adult creators and you can sell all kinds of digital content there, not just video games.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!