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@datarama ehh i dunno! i think commodore and the amiga software developers made plenty of mistakes, or at least neglect!

@lion yeah exactly the fix is always "use a bunch of these additions that you should know about because you scour amiga-focused BBSes several hours a week" so all the knowledge on how to make a decent workbench is lost somewhere in the thousands of packages in aminet with nobody to tell me how to use them

if you ignore everything else that the amiga had going for it that was already completely squandered, if it had survived despite all of that, it's easy to see how the user friendliness of windows 95 would've absolutely blasted it out of the water

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disclaimer: i love my amiga 600. i've spent far too much money refurbishing and upgrading it. i'll fight tooth and nail to say how it should've been a multimedia darling in its prime had commodore known how to market it proper

but holy shit is it hard to do anything other than simply run games on workbench. i am struggling so hard simply to customize the icons

is it really just this asinine or is it that knowledge has been lost to time? i'm having to scavenge answers from 2005 forum posts

discord just restarted in the middle of a call to give me an undismissable TOS window i need to agree to before being able to ever message anyone else in the platform again

@JordiGH i mean that that is the psychology that works on the people who it does work on

@spacecadet we don't have 1k active users. the front page metric is largely inflated, i have no idea how mastodon calculates active users. i see about 10 people posting here. i am no longer maintaining this instance.

@spacecadet i created it in 2017 and handed it off to a new owner in 2021 yes

happy 7th anniversary give or take a couple of days to

you can't kill us in a way that matters

@rainwarrior i always thought there must be some trick that's in way over my head but i guess not!

@rainwarrior for that matter how do you efficiently make that snow effect? i imagine it isn't by keeping track of every single particle

@SinclairSpeccy oh it's for a minifloppy drive

really confusing how they show a single disk when it would take 10 to make up the 25mb mark (which they mention themselves in the ad). but i guess that's advertisement

i can't find a single picture of these drives other than this ad so i have no idea if they every actually got sold. huh

@SinclairSpeccy do you know what product this is for? i can't find any rana systems product that offers 25mb, only regular 5.25 drives

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!