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furries! for far too many interpersonal relationships with way too many schmucks are falling for TERF rhetoric

if everybody who likes clicking the star button on my negative posts as an attempt to show sympathy did this i would probably even get to the silver badge

Show thread is 6 stars away from 128 and earning me the bronze GitHub starstruck badge, do you have what it takes to help me reach arbitrary meaningless internet points?

i'm using a decade-old android tablet with probably 512MB RAM and it's uncanny how smooth and responsive android 4 was with this little hardware. what the fuck happened

corel linux's file manager looks real cool, wonder if you could try to modernize it for linux today

gnu fsf and stallman all ideologically suck balls just in case i get misunderstood for supporting them

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@fixative_xyz looking for why the hell does a rpi3 take several seconds to redraw a damn screen on lxde. i think bookworm just isn't usable and i need to go back to bullseye.

dear emulator and pixel art game developers: please implement nearest neighbor integer overscale + bilinear downscale. it's 2024 we shouldn't have to deal with raw bilinear upscale anymore

oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my gods there's so much

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!