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Our brain just crafted the phrase "I got pushed out of my comfort zone until I no longer had a comfort zone" and suddenly about 20 years of C-PTSD trauma made sense.

@tavisco i believe you but if money wasn't a factor i wouldn't have a gaming rig that has an older cpu than your server!

@tavisco how's it performing for you? i enjoyed the feature set but on the hardware i had it on (a 4th gen i5 laptop turned homeserver) it was unbearably slow (circa 2017 i think, when it was still new) which made me migrate to seafile instead

bit funny when an embedded programming ide requires opengl/vulkan

@tavisco this microwave's interface inspires me so much. it's 2024 and i don't have anything that looks and functions this nice

@tavisco the dream goal is to make an embedded sidecar that taps into the dumb electrics and properly controls the heater to a specific temperature we can adjust, making a 44gbp machine behave like it's 500-600gbp. and if i can make a nice interface that looks like a really expensive, consumer-level kitchen appliance, i'll be really happy

@tavisco we got a fairly nice espresso machine for extremely cheap on ebay, it already pulls pretty nice shots with a replaced portafilter and basket provided the grounds are properly fine enough (the consumer-grade portafilter it originally comes with is artificially pressurized to compensate for standard-fare grounds), but we suspect it's still coming out quite bitter because the water is too hot (models any cheaper than ~500 pounds have no temperature control, simply a cutoff thermostat)

@tavisco custom controller for an espresso machine mod for temperature PID and timer functions - really overkill but something to do to get it just the way we want.

right now there's code in place for everything regarding the screen, rotary encoder and thermocoupler, what's left to do is mostly a lot of UI work - i want to fill this up with pretty menus and pixel art. one of a kind kinda stuff

@elithebearded So while film has traditionally been fed from reel to reel, each frame moving vertically between openings of a shutter, you propose that we think of modern video more as a long rectangular sausage that is pushed forth and extruded from a hole?

I *think* I'm in?

i feel embarrassed to say that the board and the boilerplate software that has all the hardware enumerated (but doesn't really do much yet) took me the entire day. i used to be able to focus more

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i bet i would be doing better with adhd meds but fat chance of that ever happening

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@TonicBH we never got bill nye, beakman was the one localized and dubbed

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!