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meta, transphobic violence, racism, block recommendation 

I’ve been a good girl, I’ve stayed off public meta posting. but you do not just post about shooting trans women in the head, deny public deadnaming of a trans woman happened by just saying “no it didn’t,” and say that latine people are “even worse” than white people in the same day.

fuck this.

I am recommending all admins defederate as an unsafe instance. their admin is racist and transmisogynist and obsessed with a trans woman he hates, has been publicly harassing her for two days, and now openly posts violent fantasies about trans women.

Hygogg says hi (gogg)
Spent the better part of several days working on this older, relatively simple kit. Took the time to file the nubs down, colour correct with paint markers, and then waterslide decals. Really proud of how far my skills have come.

EYE02A.ICO - Animate, Bodybit

...Brain, Claws, Eyes, Faces, Prints, Shells, Skulls, Tails

@endali @vxo in Forza Horizon 5 you can make your car's horn the Teams call ringtone and i constantly trigger everybody's PTSD with it

the craftsmanship of beautiful code is overrated. sometimes u gotta admire the complicated mind game of reading bad code that just barely works by the skin of your teeth.

I'm desperately seeking information about this chip.

It is a custom #Psion RS232 IC used in the Series 3c, codenamed CONDOR.

If you were involved in the development of the 3c or knew someone who worked for Psion around 1994-1997 who might have been involved, please let me know.

We want to emulate this chip in #MAME so that it can be added to the existing Psion SIBO hardware #emulation.

#retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #digipres

The Internet Archive losing its appeal means one thing: pirate stuff. Pirate brazenly. There’s no point trying to do it the nice way - you’ll get shut down anyway. Copy, share, and archive to your heart’s content. It’s the only way we’re keeping digital media and our cultural memory intact.

Others have said this, but the Internet Archive's appeals-court loss to Big Publishing is a disaster for everyone but the cartel of companies and a tiny number of A list authors.

The publishers will tolerate libraries only as long as they can control everything about how books can be loaned. If public libraries were being invented today, the cartel would make their core functions illegal.

The Pico2 RP2350 input bug I mention in the latest episode of @thebootloader is not theoretical, but impacting commercial products like the Bus Pirate (see and all my captouch-based MIDI controllers & synths in my Tindie store. I don’t recommend Pico2 for newbies either: even their official tutorial code will not work on a Pico2
#raspberrypipico #pico2 #rp2350

@anna that's completely different from my experience with the course, the way USP offers IS is really just "compsci lite", it focuses a lot more on the tech side and the business side are the classes everybody bemoans and flunks

i'm no exception, i took the course mostly only because i didn't score well enough on fuvest to go to compsci instead (though in hindsight the required calculus classes would've killed me)

@anna although one of the obligatory electives i took was contemporary art, and it, unrelated to anything about information systems, was a fresh subject to study and opened my eye a lot

@anna through USP, Information Systems is offered at Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades (often derogatively called "the poor USP", located near Tatuapé)

though it's not so much a social science as it still carries a lot of computer science and programming in the curriculum...

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!