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@noah @alexcox you would be surprised how many of us were just queers trying to find community in the early internet

Is it true that the C programming language stands for "Computer"

Istg I am putting Unity next to React on my mental list of technologies that people use in situations where they make life much, much harder because they don't know the fundamentals.

Do you think the NES solved this by making Mario a circle? No! It solved it by using fixed point arithmetic *and so should you*. Circular hitboxes are such a bad solution to this problem. If Mario is a circle he's going to slide off corners, bounce weirdly, and generally misbehave and you'll have to spend as long again tidying up the fallout from *that* fudge. All game dev is full of hacks, obviously, but you can at least avoid the very first thing you do being quite such an egregious one.

looking somewhat better but still kinda crap. maybe xfce isn't the way to go but i dunno what else to use

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one day they will release a microsoft windows that runs of old raspberries and then finally they'll be useful for something

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maybe the reason why i can't use linux is that i vehemently hate the idea of having to use the terminal as a mandatory imperative to get my computer to do anything

please is there any window/desktop manager/environment for that's suitable for 1280x480 without rolling your own from scratch because this isn't it

you have a touchscreen that is 90 or 180 degrees offset from how the picture is? Great here's where you input a mathematical matrix to correct it

No we won't give you shortcuts for "left" or "upside-down" do your homework

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every time i have to use Linux in anything but the milquetoastiest of desktop use cases i loathe it

how is the xorg conf something deprecated that you shouldn't make one when it's the only way to tell the computer the orientation of your touchscreen

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!