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I want a camera:
- Connecting to a computer to live stream
- With wide angle lens
- Good macro/close up auto focus
- With tripod screw mount
- Cheaper than 100 GBP

I wanted it to also be wireless but after wasting money on a GoPro which would fit the bill if it weren't for the fact you need a fucking subscription to stream with it, I can't find anything else like that, so I'll take wired if it must be.

Please send me recommendations or boost this post.

instead of hacking a non profit archival organization one could personally give matt mullenweg the world's largest wedgie

I made a histogram of wealth distribution in the United States, using the Forbes 400 list that just came out. Almost the entire US population is in the red line at the left, one pixel wide. To fit Elon Musk on the graph, each pixel is $500 million wide. In other words, from the perspective of the very rich, $0 and $500 million look the same.

a reminder that if you feel like you can help me to get back my one hope at ever escaping the suburban wasteland and be able to Go Do Shit In Public Again, here's the GFM where you can help me with that.

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@MxVerda our partner (CFS+FND) is also under the DWP's scrutiny, so we get it

man i wish i found USD$399 "affordable", can you imagine the privilege

people who write things like this should have to donate their life savings to charity, then maybe 400 us american dollars can be affordable for normal people who don't make the big bucks acting as a mouthpiece for corporate marketing agencies

"just use ip webcam app on an android phone" while i do love the ip webcam app i cannot find an android phone shaped like a gopro with a tripod screw mount

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Does anyone know of a version of Tetris did the Nintendo ds/ds lite that has a mode that doesn't get faster? Enjoying the version of Tetris I have but it's frustrating to lose just because the blocks come too quickly for me to process, boosts appreciated

@johnbloorprintmaker is that the link speed to your router? if so that's already better than mine

i am not talking about internet speed

can anyone tell me what i can use that's the size of a GoPro and can live stream to OBS or similarly work as a wireless webcam and costs less than a hundred pounds or doesn't need a monthly subscription to do so :boost_ok:

@johnbloorprintmaker i remember new pcmcia cards that promised 54Mbps with windows 98 compatibility back in 2003

why is it that the more you know about tech the less it seems to work for you

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it is 2024 and my phone has a link speed of 28Mbps to a wifi router not two walls away from it

turns out you can buy an entire ass gopro hero 7 and still not be able to livestream from it without dishing out monthly money to gopro

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!