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the people blocking me at this point likely don't even remember the story they were told about why i should've been blocked

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i have been treated like shit by the mastodon at large since 2017 and i am done feeling bad about it

if you think our system making accounts elsewhere is ban evading that is your own fucking problem

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"you have a system responsibility not to ban evade" ma'am when half the fediverse i've never spoken to was told to block me by a bad actor, and half those people blocking me on this account are following me on an alt, the responsibility has left my paws

(barely awake and clearly delirious) i put the nasty in dynasty

@industrial_cream i greatly enjoy the hardware i got, but the samsung ecosystem is abysmal.. unfortunately rooting it will mean not being able to use banking apps and i don't trust S-Pen support to be good anywhere but in oneui

i have been informed Motorola does have a phone with a pen and that i can now safely feel like i wasted my money on this current phone

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i wish Motorola a very please come out with a phone with a pen so i can get away from forced Samsung apps

@JordiGH not that i can do anything about it but i'm curious to try them next time i get the chance

@JordiGH huh, maybe i just haven't tried enough of them, but i haven't seen any bugs. are you running without the BIOS? that does lower compatibility

@JordiGH @exelotl if you're going to get that one you can at least bypass the bezos

i have the GBC ezflash jr, no complaints about that one. no experience with omega but reviews on that page seem ok

a studio specifically dedicated to making knockoffs not entirely unlike the movies and shows offered by paramount pictures called tantamount

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!