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@mntmn "you can mount the motherboard upside down" has got to be a selling point

Tom Kurtz, who co-invented BASIC—probably the piece of software that has meant the most to me—has died at age 96. When it turned 50 ten years ago, I wrote a VERY long article about why it was so important, and I’m very grateful that he helped with it. RIP.

It's Wendy Carlos' birthday.

I wish her music was easier to share, most of it seems to be out of print and never went to digital distribution. Beauty in the Beast changed my life, it was filled with musical ideas new to me.

re: social network discourse 

@stereo absolutely it was super ham-fisted. but they had a cool concept i don't think anyone else has tried since

re: social network discourse 

@shoofle i kinda miss google+ circles

social network discourse 

my sincerest wish for the discourse between bluesky, fedi, threads, and the husk of twitter, is this: i want people to realize that no single place will be The Universal Social Network.

@andrewt i want one that all it does is make a confetti explosion on your screen and nothing else

I really want to add a "✨" button to all the text boxes in our product and when you click it it just inserts the "✨" emoji

the reason samsung went with exynos for the S22 Ultra in the UK instead of snapdragon it used in the USA is because in the colder climate of the UK it's useful for your phone to double as a hand warmer

my thought is that right now it's all or nothing in terms of when you use a "CW" your post will be hidden

if instead people can choose that only certain topics are default hidden and the rest aren't, then there's a lot less "but i don't want to hide this" stigma against using a subject line

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not sure if this has been thought about before or if some other flavour of activitypub does it this way but i wonder if "CW"s would be better utilised if they were treated as email subject line and only defaulted to closed if a word in your custom blacklist appeared on it

i think that would push people to describe the content of posts much more if they're not implied to be opt-in, though this would also need a defacto "standardisation" of subjects, for example "uspol" vs "us politics"

hey baby did you know what titanfall 2 is. i just bought 5 dodgy flash chips for $42 to build up my wall. and that's ok

>looking for an image
>ask the webserver if their .png image is actually png or renamed webp
>it doesn't understand
>pull out illustrated diagram explaing what is an actual png and what is a webp renamed to have png extension
>it laughs and says “it’s a good image, browser”
>make http request
>it's renamed webp

user: "i'm trying to follow the documentation but it must be out of date since none of these options appear in the newest release"

maintainer: "PRs welcome"

can any out there explain to me how a user is supposed to document a system they're trying to find documentation on in the first place

it's a little disheartening when all of your friends agreeing to "i miss [old thing]" isn't followed by all of your friends moving to use the version of [old thing] that is still widely available because the status quo of large corporations running our online lives for us is so impossible to break away from

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chat programs don't have online lists and notifications when your friends come online so you can be excited to go talk to them like they used to anymore

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!