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@budsofstone once you have a pinned hashtag column you can even add or exclude multiple hashtags in a single column. anything more advanced than that could be provided by a third-party client such as mobile apps, but i have no experience with those

@budsofstone if you search for the hashtag you want and you're using the advanced interface you should be able to pin the column. not sure what else you mean by "follow"

nowadays most of my mood swings are strong tonight, lads

re: CW: sex, bdsm, nsfw 

On an unrelated note, if anyone has recommendations for shibari guides/books, especially ones that are inclusive of larger bodies, please throw them at me

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do they even have any staff left to make a new doom or did they all get replaced with AI

real fun how 3d realms and apogee are both empty carcasses still publishing games today

except i guess 3d realms is the one that can't afford human voice

this sure is the most inventory in the parkour and inventory dichotomy of games

says something that the #10 most anticipated game of 2025 is a game from 2002

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!