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this is brought to you by someone who is chronically attention starved who was constantly told that it's ok to want attention and simultaneously not given the attention everyone told me it was ok to want.

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please. i beg you. we could be (with apologies, and a request to help me spread this, to @hotdogsladies)

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folks, if you like something someone made, tell them with, i beg you, more than a zombie fucking mindless click on a star/heart symbol on your 4k mind control video monitor

podcastey and influencey types are always trying to push for "hey try this one weird trick challenge for a week or month" and i propose, take a month of your online life to 100% replace """liking""" online content and instead replying to it with actual human words

what huh? GeoTIFF? oh yeah we have a library for that

It hasn't been updated since 2009? It doesn't build anymore because whatever Perl does to build libraries has changed? The only search result for the error you're getting is a chinese forum post about the same error in a completely unrelated package? Huh?

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back at it again at the dependency hell, this time the flavor is dealing with GIS data

"if the fediverse doesn't do x y z" do people still think that "fediverse" is the name of a company with rule over every single activitypub node?

@arielmt Things Can Only Get Better is the superior Howard Jones single anyway (as evidenced by reaching #5 in 1985)

VDSL over bannana apparently tester got 53680/12658 kbps connection speed on a short run from in-house exchange/DSLAM, through banana, to VDSL2 modem. way better than what i got at home...

  1. wear gaudy clothes or avoid display
  2. lay a million eggs or give birth to one
  3. the fittest shall survive & the unfit may live
  4. be like your ancestors or be different
  5. we must repeat

— In The Beginning Was The End: The Truth About De-Evolution, 1976

logging into the online like norm walking into the cheers bar

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!