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@digikitty_x86 don't get me wrong i think linux works great for servers

with the exception of a 2008 thinkpad tablet i still use because of the wacom penabled screen for making pixel art, i refuse to use linux as a desktop system ever again

@digikitty_x86 that's fair! i just don't like it when people don't even try the alternative

like i said in a post a few minutes ago, i think linux programmers need to use a non-free computer again to reset their views on what a computer needs to be again since they clearly lost the plot about 20 years ago

@digikitty_x86 especially since it doesn't even work as well, imho

inkscape's pretty decent tho

@digikitty_x86 i'm happier pirating adobe software than using an image manipulation program named after a character from pulp fiction named after an ableist slur by a couple of manchildren fossy advocates who won't back down on it even when large swaths of people including in the education sector wanting to use free software want a more adequate name for a gnu image manipulator program

@digikitty_x86 everything bad i find with windows is hackable out and i'm not paying for it, so, free convenience for me

i understand feeling moral about it but i just like having a tool that works

@digikitty_x86 i have enjoyed my computers with pirated copies of windows fairly well

happy pacman syu day everybody hope you emerge from it with a system that still boots

@digikitty_x86 i expect them to work and not be stuck in dependency hell and need and entire scorched earth reinstall to work, for example

i've reinstalled linux systems far more than windows

@digikitty_x86 maybe we expect different things from computers

big disclaimer if you take anything i post too seriously thats tyour'e own godtamn fault bucko

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maybe .exes were the better binary executable format all along. linux has a lot to learn from windows it turns out

@digikitty_x86 a system that doesn't work over the convenience of downloading a file and duoble clickig it like a got dammn .exe ????

@frost i solved my problems installing windows 10 where A/V broadcasting stuff just worked instead of having to pore over config files

@frost maybe it's just not compatible with ubuntu. the flatpak installer thing kept spinning and never would load for me. but graphical interfaces are so 1992, i should've tried the commandline instead, i know

what sort of brain fog made snap and flatpak look like more appealing propositions to linux users than appimages?

@arielmt honestly between snap and flatpak i think both are egregious mistakes and the linux development community needs to use a "non-free" computer again to figure out what is it that "normal" people expect of them

@arielmt honestly between snap and flatpak i think both are egregious mistakes and the linux development community needs to use a "non-free" computer again to figure out what is it that "normal" people expect of them

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!