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i am, once again, angry* about computers**

* mildly upset

** the general regard for computing hardware and software doled out by people with more societal pull than me

the same people who brigaded for webp and avif adoption under the guise of less storage/bandwidth are the ones who told me "hard drive is cheap* now**" and are the ones proselytizing for the nuking of unattended accounts so i'm like, 90% sure that anyone giving you hardware advice on the internet is wrong

* if you live in the global north

** if you have a disposable income


check this out. gonna show you a really cool trick. (gets killed on the first stage by a roaming enemy while fixing up my sleeves)

if someone "cheats" in a non-competitive non-goal oriented or, goddess forbid, single-player game, and you get upset about it? i beg you to find a hobby

@thelastpsion you aren't, i have two external LS120s (drive itself non-functional) which are just caddies for 5.25" drives with an IDE->USB interface, so they came like that from factory too

i can't tell if i'm doing something wrong or if the phoenix live view guys really thought hosting a single static non interactive landing page that still inexplicably requires postgres was the best demo they could come up with for their highly interactive html-on-the-server framework

Poverty shouldn't exist. For anyone. Ever. Too often I hear 'No one with a job should live in poverty.' True. But let's go further. No one should live in poverty, job or not. Jobs should be a ticket to more than just survival.

Think thriving, not surviving; buying fun, not life.

richard stallman, pedofilia 

Drew DeVault ha recopilado las preocupantes opiniones de Richard Stallman sobre pedofilia, acoso sexual, y otros temas sensibles sobre los que habla sin saber.

Todo esto es público y notorio desde hace tiempo, pero lo que más me duele es que universidades y grupos de usuarios de GNU/Linux de todo el mundo le siguen invitando, también en España.

Sigo esperando a que la comunidad de software libre rompa con él y mire al futuro.

@SomaFMrusty long time listener first time caller but soma fm has been pretty much my main source of music for most of the time since i cannot be bothered to curate my own playlists and underground 80s and poptron just work so well for me and my partner

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!