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@mmu_man i am not in a mastodon instance that supports edits but thank you

@SeasonsChange there are trace repairing kits but yes in my case for this particular board i just ran all broken traces back with patch wires (you can see one in the top right corner of the second picture). thankfully there weren't that many

@mmu_man oh yes sorry i just looked at the "Forum Conduct"

Do not post advertisements for products or commercial services without permission from the moderators.

yes i cannot post there. thank you for the shoutout though

@mmu_man i have ptsd with moderated spaces like that because i never know anyone in the in. if you know someone personally willing to introduce me i might consider it

@mmu_man i don't immediately see a subforum for advertising and usually offering paid services in forums you don't know anyone in to vouch for you gets you banned 🙂

ok here's my proof of work. stealth modchip installed in PS1 that isn't one of the any motherboards that's properly documented (that i've found). the modchip is custom burnt on an attiny

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ok here's my proof of work. i serviced my amiga 600 featuring a previous owner's exploded badly replaced capacitor with several keyboard controller traces destroyed

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does anyone in the uk need their retro computer serviced/fixed/restored. i need money and i don't have a work visa

there's a reason why linux is bad and don't use linux

Side note: The article in that last toot is by the Castle Game Engine project, a game engine entirely in #ObjectPascal.

At first glance, their docs look to be very clearly written and approachable.

Also, they're written in #AsciiDoc, stored in a Git repo and turned into a static site. And you all know I love me a bit of AsciiDoc.

Thumbs up from me!

#CastleGameEngine #Pascal

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“Where have all the websites gone?”

"So here’s the bad news— we are the ones who vanished"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!