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WEREWOLVES VERSUS makes me proudest of everything I've made or been a part of. I had a goofy idea in 2015, and it turned into a sprawling, 11-part project that showcased the work of over 120 people, including some of my favourite authors and artists.

Voting for the Queer Indie Awards closes tomorrow! If you've read an issue of WEREWOLVES VERSUS and enjoyed it (or if you haven't but like the idea of 2000+ pages of very queer werewolf prose, poetry, essays, art, comics, & music, available as a "pay what you want" thing), please consider voting!

@suricrasia if you're looking for self-hosting i briefly tried nexcloud to replace dropbox with and it had a neat set of plugins you could add, including one that was a fairly well-featured google docs clone

i only replaced nextcloud with seafile because i mainly only needed files not webapps and the server usage was too high for me

is there any source of the little MAX3232 converter boards on ebay that don't use fake chips that immediately burn themselves up or make the FTDI i plug into them short and blow up

silly me for expecting quality control on a 300 gbp piece of professional equipment

my oscilloscope stopped working inexplicably today showing no signs of life whatsoever

i decided to ignore the "no operator serviceable parts inside" warning and went to look over the power supply board

the AC in header was not at all soldered to the board. i have no idea how this scope worked for years until now

i forgot i can't tell a funny anecdote about computer on the internet anymore without getting unsolicited advice on how to fix the funny behaviour because computers can[t be funny anymore

sometimes windows is like "just closing this 1 app and then shutting down, boss" and you look at the list and the app is like

windows explorer

and it just randomly sits there. for like a minute. when in no other shutdown it has done this

I commented "laptops don't get slow, software does" on a video on upgrading your laptop and WOW was I taken aback by some of the response.

People actually believe degrading thermal paste is to blame for a messenger app taking half a gig of RAM?

That the Epic games launcher takes ages to launch because it has so many features?

That a news website is downloading and interpreting a small operating system worth of code for-what-reason-exactly is the march of progress?

#performance #software

i was just thinking about Dragon's Legend last week. gonna listen to some koto in his memory

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hot take it's ok to refer to yourself in the singular when you're not talking about the system as a whole

thinking about how android webview is the same thing as ie 5.0 being forced upon windows 98 as an integral system part and how it made an antitrust case against microsoft but not for google

hey y'all just checking in to remind you that i'm still not human

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!