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@jk ahh no i'm thinking of "how to design and build your own custom TV games" by Donald Heiserman

but the TTL cookbook and cheap video cookbooks should also be useful

@jk check out the books by Don Lancaster, he wrote a few on TV typewriters and discrete logic games

I added a Links section to Golfshrine. ...I'm not sure that it's quite what the audience expects to find in a Links section. 😅​

We have a two hour emergency room wait ahead of us (on top of about 4 hours between two hospitals already and no good news so far), can we please get some news about bad things happening to billionaires or their ilk to keep morale up please? Thanks

@Atatra @angela he's rich enough to not need to know how to use a keyboard, like Kelly Rowland having no idea what Excel was on that music video where they filmed her "texting" on a Windows CE handheld

current hyperfixation is trying to optimise a game i didn't make, decompiled from binary because i have no sources, to run on hardware it wasn't made for

I'm looking for a replacement top shell for my midnight purple 3ds which is cracked. I remember seeing AliExpress listings for replacement shells where every bit was cloned but the top shell was refurbished from original, though they were never in stock. Now I can only find clone remakes that don't quite look right. Does anyone have any idea how I could find this? Boosts appreciated.

you ever think about how the first half life was published by sierra

every day we allow the abusive shitstains like richard matthew stallman or eric fucking raymond stay around or, goddess forbid, direct our communities, we're losing talented people who are driven away by the acceptance of their behaviour.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!