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@budsofstone welcome to the looney bin (affectionate), sorry in advance about all the broken bits. i'm trying to keep it together

i'm susceptible enough to love bombing that it's a wonder i only joined one cult in my lifetime so far

a "support the troops" sticker but it's a picture of a trans puppygirl dyke

libretro should really come out with a core for virtual pinball if only so i can play pinball machines in my tower unite condo

are there roleplaying communities that don't feel actively hostile to newcomers or is that like a pre-requisite

not sure how to not be negative when i can't find anything to be positive about

had a bunch of different dreams where i kept getting left behind or excluded so i'm not entirely sure i'm awake yet

hey if you miss when the internet had any forum i am happy to report that there is 1 (one) forum left on the internet and it's

so many places i used to be active in i had to leave because these bullshit people decided they're above the rules and the people making the rules agreed with their behaviour. i am so sick of having to leave places because of them. that's also another reason why i started my own spaces.

maybe my spaces will never be communities. but at least they're safe for me.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!