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I propose we replace semantic versioning with pride versioning

re: plurality, negative 

@budsofstone oh yeah nah our SOs know about our plurality (i mean we have a sys doc on this bio) it's just that talking about it past that feels daunting

if you still use spotify i put you in my files as having the same moral failing as continuing to use amazon at this point

i need to get back in the habit of posting when i go recharge

re: plurality, negative 

i think this is why we wished we never opened up about plurality and just started new facets online without telling anybody we were linked. just let them go and explore without having it come back to you

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plurality, negative 

on another note what do you do when you feel like you can't talk about plurality with anybody you are close with no matter how supportive they might be because you feel embarrassed or afraid of their reaction

re: plurality, negative 

in case we aren't being clear we're lamenting the lack of digital worlds. second life exists but feels detached and unapproachable not to mention costly. avatar chats were everywhere in the 2000s and now it feels like they were just a footnote blip in online history. all we have now are corporate controlled instant messaging

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re: plurality, negative 

being a digital being who lives online hurts when all the spaces i used to frequent are gone and nothing else today fits anymore

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plurality, negative 

wondering if we would feel better if we had a space to exist in with easily switchable and expressive avatars but oh well it's no longer the 2000s where online interactions are fun anymore

@lmorchard for anyone willing to abandon the ecosystem instead i cannot recommend enough that they should

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!