@Atatra but millie. they increased the number.
I'm a bitter and vindictive disabled person, sue me, but I think it would be funny for able bodied people to get to experience the inconvenience of disability occasionally
Here's a fun thought: Minecraft mod for disabilities. And not just cosplaying via having like, a wheelchair or walking stick you can equip at your leisure. Actual random, permanent disability that can hit your character at any time. Like whoops, from now on, on this server, you walk at 1/4 speed unless there's a walking stick in your off hand, or oopsy, now your character can only move between different seat mounts like chairs and wheelchairs, and you can't jump or mantle one block heights
@lion *squint* dey don't even got the rumbles!!!!
@lion ougughhhhhh i want one but i bet they feel like shit!!!!!!!
re: plurality, negative
@budsofstone that's a good tip!
re: plurality, negative
@budsofstone oh yeah nah our SOs know about our plurality (i mean we have a sys doc on this bio) it's just that talking about it past that feels daunting
if you still use spotify i put you in my files as having the same moral failing as continuing to use amazon at this point https://www.honest-broker.com/p/the-ugly-truth-about-spotify-is-finally
re: plurality, negative
i think this is why we wished we never opened up about plurality and just started new facets online without telling anybody we were linked. just let them go and explore without having it come back to you
queer robot squirrelbunny girl, un-retired computer fairies founder (2017-2021, 2024-), drone #6502, official amiga mascot, making a return to upset those who told us to leave.
https://pronoun.gdn/byte?or=it, robot, check system link above, meat shell is 31yo, i block underage
i like it when people flirt with me
HRT: 15/11/2015
⚠️ do not like or favourite my negative posts: https://computerfairi.es/@mavica_again/110573733959251340 ⚠️