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@admin i feel like that's more an issue with how patreon is designed rather than how the creators use it at that point

@admin people who are not like you often need incentives in order to give other people money and it's for them that the exclusives are, so they get to feel good that they are getting something back for their money that they couldn't have gotten for free

still obsessed with how much fun it is playing with #ditherinator v0.3 and custom palettes with the new luma mapping

@clyde to be fair i've wanted a tool like this for years too so that motivated me to get it done 😄

@clyde btw i forgot to ask if you checked out the last versions of the ditherinator and if they suit your needs for the gametank!

lol i guess i got it done way quicker than i thought i would

@mrfry i'm not trying to argue in bad faith here i'm just saying that making a web browser in 2024 is far from a trivial task with what monstrosity the web has become and the people hoping that mozilla gets crushed as a byproduct of the google antitrust case are only wishing for things to get worse

@mrfry so you think that a ragtag group of people can fork a browser made by a much larger entity and never ever need to pull from upstream ever again? with the ever changing standards of the web (thanks Google)?

and Vivaldi is a chromium fork

@mrfry you do realise that to fork firefox there needs to be a firefox, right?

how's that OS/browser from scratch project going anyway, is the lead still claiming to be "apolitical" while shaming minorities out of contributing and pointing out bad actors in it?

maybe i just leave the web and use only irc and telnet bbses as my only means of internet so i don't have to deal with any of this

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Computer Fairies

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