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Someone gave us a towel with our cat's photo on it and now she sleeps exclusively on top of it like some sort of degenerate narcissist 1970s movie star.

We are now up and running on v3.4.1+glitch

Thank you for your patience, fairies.

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Computer Fairies is shutting down now for upgrades. We'll be back shortly. :computerfairies:~arielmt

I declare Computer Science a pest : quickly destroy your computer and give it zero platform. You must give it zero platform. You must starve it.

sometimes my dysregulated brain gets a spark of sudden pride and queer folks completely , then fuck i'm gonna end up having a

How do people, like, actually keep in touch? With my ADHD, I think I've come to accept that I basically have a lack of social object permanence. Out of sight, out of mind.

Over the past literal decades, I've sometimes tried setting up a list of contacts and a scheduling system - but ADHD also means I get bored / annoyed with that and either never get it working or stop using it after awhile.

i want more people to read the soul of a new machine by tracy kidder so i have more people to talk to about it

I am trying to do as many commissions as I can right now because I really badly need a new drawing tablet.

The drivers for my current tablet are only semi-non-functional because it's a very old device - I can still do commissions on it but cannot study and practice and generally pursue lifelong dreams of doing non-vector illustration. I can't afford a new tablet yet, and it's really important for me that I get this situation fixed as soon as possible.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!