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since bandcamp's future is uncertain i'm bringing back blamscamp (by @suricrasia ). it lets you make an in-browser player for your album that you can put on! it's pretty easy and straightforward to use and works just fine. you can sell music on itch BTW

Has anyone ever bought the knockoff Lego sets from aliexpress? I don't mean the generic stuff but rather the listings that straight up copy a set, like this T1 camper van which is a copy of a discontinued Creator set. I'm tempted to get it because it's a tenth of the price for a used one of this set on ebay and I was wondering about the quality.

looking for mostly an easy way to trigger stuff with midi and trigger stuff onto midi

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is there something like what maxmsp promises to do but not cryptic and also free

just fucking around so far, no real practicality

ableton seems to be the only software to fully take advantage of the entire control surface, but the lights are all controlled over the MIDI protocol so in theory more software could be specially-tailored for this

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got a new midi controller so of course the first thing i do isn't use it for any musical reason but rather write a python script to control the rgb lights in it

i'm tired and i'm bored and i have toys to play with and anhedonia is taking over

if you can't donate money to me while i'm unemployed at least please say nice things to me today. please

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the fediverse and cliques intent on pushing queer people (especially trans women) off it have been giving me ptsd since 2017 with gaslighting tactics and yeah i lick my wounds about it because sometimes i do want someone to pat me on the head and tell me i'm ok isn't that the whole point of being constantly told it's ok to ask for help because it doesn't seem to do anything

it's awkward is all. i don't want to keep track of everybody who has a grudge with me but when i don't i get told i'm being abusive or something

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lil bit weird when i find people who were blocking me on twitter not blocking me on mastodon like am i supposed to let them know as if i was on a list and need to announce myself to new neighbours or do i get a mulligan for each new social media platform

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!