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is revanced any better than newpipe or do people just not know about newpipe

if i'm volunteering somewhere online to help people on technical issues and the people i'm trying to help are being belligerent maybe don't tell me i'm the one who doesn't have patience to deal with them. i'm not being paid to babysit these people. your discord now has one less volunteer, hope you cope

i got an idea for a tool but now i gotta do all the hard work of building it

The only ethical answer to "please disable your ad blocker" is "go fuck yourself"

One of the reasons I want Xenia the Fox to replace Tux the Penguin as the Linux mascot is so the bigots in the Linux community get outraged enough at queer symbolism that they basically see themselves out and save us the work of booting them out.

(to the tune of falco's vienna calling) hello, o-o-oh, vienna sausage

why is it that when a Windows program has no Linux port everybody's all up in arms about it but a Mac app being Mac exclusive is seen as prestigious

i'm one of those people who hates/fights change a lot but on the rare occasion i'll try the change for myself and i'd like to not be teased or branded a hypocrite for that

my entire early life i've had change imposed on me without choice so being in control of when change happens myself is one of the few ways i can feel autonomous

not worth it to sanitize your personality for the sake of others

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!