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The Fedi Meta, TBS, Blocklists, Everything Summarized 

I've written out a very, very long blog post intended to be both a refresher for anyone who hasn't been following all this shit and as my side of the story for some of the more contentious elements, and I encourage anyone who cares about this kind of stuff to give it a read when they can:

glitchsoc markdown doesn't like being in the middle of words huh

once again i am asking serviceworkers to simply work, which they don't

i might have to just. redo the WHOLE ui. and it's probably no longer going to be part of the camera frame. we'll see. still haven't thought how to handle this

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it's going well

the UI will be refactored, but i was too eager to play with the filter first

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Regarding #FPGA shenanigans, pretty much everyone I talked to about learning #VHDL said, "Don't do that! Learn #Verilog or #SystemVerilog instead."

My original impression was that, while VHDL is harder, you're less likely to shoot yourself in the foot than with Verilog.

Does anyone here have any opinions on this?

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remind me to never ever join a discord server with as much as a single minor in it, ever again

"'minors dni' dni" great we're in agreement i don't want children to fucking perceive me go suck on a pacifier

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!