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now and again you'd be with someone and they'd put a disc into their gamecube and it'd be like "do you want progressive scan" and you'd be like. "yo put it on progressive scan, don't you know it's better?" and they'd be like "i dunno man, im not sure about this" and you'd explain the difference and they'd select Yes. and then their regular normal CRT TV would just start strobing, and making a loud buzzing sound, and flashing a message like INPUT OUT OF RANGE INITIATING SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE

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it is not just a book--there is an online utility that can help you identify mystery connectors!

re: if you wanna feel old 


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re: if you wanna feel old 

happy 30th to doom a game that im'l old enough to get drunk. i'm younger than doom. the burden of math is upon you

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re: if you wanna feel old 

i meant to word that the other way around im drunk

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if you wanna feel old 

happy 30th to doom a game that was built later than i was

Today, 55 years ago Douglas Engelbart gave the "The Mother of All Demos"

In the same session he introduced:

  • the computer mouse,

  • hypertext, and

  • the bit-mapped graphical user interface.

These concepts are nowadays as common as air and paved the way for Microsoft and Apple.

Unluckily I was not invited to the demo. Probably because I was only two years old at that time 😄​.

Douglas Engelbart sadly passed away in 2013, but Engelbart's law remains.

Today my sister and her fiancée got some upsetting news that throws their immigration and marriage plans into disarray. There’s absolutely nothing I can do to fix it, and it feels fucking terrible. If anyone has an extra buck or two, please consider helping them out. Taylor is part of my chosen family and I very much want her to be able to live happily with her fiancée Millie in the UK.

saw a link labeled "this blog post" which linked to a discord message 🤢

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!