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While waiting for Internet Archive to return, 51 terabytes of extracted data from 26,000 CD-ROMs are waiting for you to search and enjoy at DISCMASTER.

are there any good malware for downloading onto your robot girlfriend for kink play?

It’s a huge shame with all this Chrome adblock stuff that masses are recommending Brave. Stop it you fools, if Brave get bigger they will be infinitely worse than Google.

naughty androids get behavior correction collars💕

the website for a video game that i composed the soundtrack to many years ago has now been domain sniped into a gothic lolita fashion fast-brand and i guess that's where i'm ending my night at


there;s so much we want to do and we just can't focus on it and end up just wasting days away

i know for a fact i can do things i just can't seem to get anything started it's like i need a project manager for my hobbies

We, the anonymous editors of the Stallman report, have published our investigation of Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation today to a general audience:

Our report exhaustively catalogues, analyzes, and offers a rebuttal of Richard Stallman's political program of sexual violence, catalogues credible allegations of misconduct, and documents the misconduct of the #FSF circa 2019 and 2021. Please read and share our work.

Boosts encouraged.


Please make backup copies of your PC, folks, if you aren't already. Don't forget to test your backups. Don't forget to write down your PC recovery & backup restoring procedure. And don't forget to save that procedure somewhere you can get to if all your data gets wiped out.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!