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they should invent a type of project that you just think about and it materializes without you having to work on it at all

Oh, Magic 8-Ball, why is my customer not receiving that important email from Too Big To Fail Dot Com outsourcing mail delivery to Microsoft?

i think the reason appimage didn't catch on is because it worked too well and Linux users need their system to be a little bit broken at any given point

when i update software. i never notice anything changing in a good way. ever! like ive never seen software update and been like "thanks, thats a great new feature!" the exception of maybe twice, this has never happened? i don't think i've even noticed a bug fix either. i only ever see bad new updates to everything. annoying things they (re)moved. breaking changes. stuff no longer works. customizations i spent ages on no longer have any effect. settings get ignored. stuff breaks. updates are bad

TIL those flickering LED tealights are often made with music chips from old greeting cards as the source of "randomness"

you: theres no such thing as a one true distro. Everybody has their own needs :) and everybody has their own requirements :) and everybody has their own preferences :)

me: what like "i want a computer that actually works and makes sense"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!