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Anonymous asked: what's your dream computer/game console/thing that you want?

i have far too many beige whales. in general stuff with: nice tactile media (cartridges or floppies), ease of getting software for (legally or otherwise), interesting things to do with (does it have cool games, can i use the software without it being frustrating), relatively easy to make new software for. the Amiga 600 for me fails a bit in the ease of use but it's the closest to a syste[...]

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Anonymous asked: do you like rain?

if it's a very soft drizzle i'm weather-resistant enough to be in it but anything heavier i am better suited to just listen to it indoors

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companies keep asking us to "go ad-free" but get uppity when we install ublock origin. make up your damn minds

@damianogerli the second post in your thread has not federated to this instance, but, wrt SA-GCCX: again, that's piracy. we can debate whether or not that's a moral thing until the cows come home, but it means commercial success is invariably dead on arrival. you and i know the show because we're terminally online, but a vast majority of gamers today never frequented web forums such as the one those fansubs originated in and still carry in their name

@damianogerli i'm gonna go ahead and wager a guess that a lot of the lack of recognition comes from a lack of an official, legal release outside of japan (when arino went to the USA it was pretty much a given everybody who went to meet him watched the show via piracy)

as for why there was no attempt at a localization after the "retro game master" thing bombed, beats me

So, real talk: why does GameCenter CX gets so little recognition as one of the most important transmission on games ever? Considering it's been going on for 20 years, I wonder almost no one has recognized how it predated so many current trends: retrogame mania, nostalgia, let's play, how we talk about retro games, etc

burger tulpa but instead it's fentanyl to kill the cop inside my head

Turns out that Web Environment Integrity proposal everybody is getting angry about (imo very legitimately) was effectively already shipped by Apple in Safari last year:

That means if Chromium ships it too, we could quickly move to 90%+ of browser traffic being attested. Not good!

of course i have adhd. there's like five of us sharing the same brain, do you really think any one of us gets to use it for any appreciable amount of contiguous time?

i don't want to imply i'm right about everything all of the time but when do things stop being so egregiously wrong that i stop feeling like i'm the one taking crazy pills

ROBOT04C.ICO - Animate, Generic

...Angels, Beings, Demons, Races, Robots

thinking about how a trans person would be doing themselves a disservice for believing that "robot" is any less a tangibly real thing that someone can be than "woman"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!