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i need to find active communities again. everywhere i'm in feels dead and i feel lonely on the internet

Be your authentic self.
If that means the timid townsfolk flee before your dangerously shambling form, terrible darkness, and unearthly beauty, so be it.

i'm trying out archlinux32 on a thinkpad T42. should i install NsCDE or WindowMaker? and why?

other suggestions welcome too. i want old computer feel primarily. i liked how windowmaker looked last i tried it (2015 i think?) but it was largely incompatible and crashy which made me shy away from it.

so to use youtube-dl you need to use an up to date version

if you download through pip or even pacman you get a version from 2021

if you try to update that, it tells you it can't update because you installed it with an external package manager

and if you try to install it manually using their binary, it's been taken down

i love the future

first real crack at running arch seriously in the form of archlinux32 on a very old thinkpad T42 and without setting any expectations of a desktop computer i'm actually having a pretty fun time just doing dumb shit on the TTY like making it play DVDs on the framebuffer

i don't mean to brag but i'm hot!! i got a great fuckin bod!!!!

if your web app doesn't work in firefox your web app doesn't work. it's literally broken. fix it.

if you have images that were poorly scaled up (non-integer) with nearest neighbor resampling, here's a script to fix those images:

if you like the stuff i do please support me:

if you want to prove me wrong: or

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!