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Sharing my writing for Creator Day!

"They Say Don't Get Clocked" is a nasty short about a trans woman who's turning into a werewolf in the back seat of a car stuck in a sweltering traffic jam. A personal account of trans rage & monstrous femininity.

>> Firefox supports a new “Copy Link Without Site Tracking” feature in the context menu which ensures that copied links no longer contain tracking information.

this is some wonderful writing and digital archeology to find the very first Flash game. it’s quite a dive down memory lane and kind of highlights what was wonderful about this lost internet era. definitely recommended reading!
“What was the first Flash Game – Ep 4: Book reviews part two”
via @touloutoumou
#IndieGame #IndieGames #Flash #DigitalPreservation

mid 90s tracker jank? mid 90s tracker jank? mid 90s tracker jank

fucking, computer's bullshit, it's fucking sick, it's not cool anymore it's not fun, it's not fun to be on the fucking computer, they changed everything about it, it used to be so cool

"it's not working"
ok let me take a look at it
"oh it's working now"

i'm a miracle worker

36 years ago today was the Max Headroom TV STL hijacking.

I regard this incident as the best and purest hacking prank in modern history. The combination of sophisticated, meticulous technical planning and execution, utterly juvenile content, essential harmlessness, lack of financial motive, and never getting caught or identified (or later taking credit) remains, in my opinion, unmatched to this day.

Pure art.

🎉 Here it is!

A zero-dependency, ~600 Bytes (minified & gzipped), JS base class for creating reactive custom elements easily.

#WebComponents #webdev #frontend #sideProjects #software #opensource #foss

i don't have a lot of friends at all. i don't have constant validation. most days i feel like if i dropped dead nobody would notice. one quick message (not a mindless star/heart click, please) helps turn that around a bunch.

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making things online is lonely. i've made a bunch of tools and cool stuff online i shared with others not because i want fame and power but because i want people to enjoy them and tell me they enjoy it. i make things for others and i'm attention starved for the validation. if you ever enjoyed something i (or others) made, please, just shout us a thanks

that, and, i wish people would actually use the tag because then i could see that something i built is being used and enjoyed by people since direct feedback to me is so rare

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i'm actually not at all happy with all the people i've caught passing off pictures as real pictures. i think i built a really cool app that can simulate the original thing but i don't like being disingenuous about it. it is a camera filter, and doesn't capture images the same way the original CMOS does, and i don't think anyone should be misleading about that

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it would seem like the secret to get a lot of #reblogs on #mastodon is to post a picture of a #cat that is #actually taken with #webgbcam but instead pretend it's a real #gameboycamera

#photography #fedicats #catsofMastodon #CatsOfFediverse

@jcutting wow! i've never seen a picture this ungrainy, either you used a really bright light to fix the CMOS ISO low or, judging from the scale and palette, used ? :)

feeling like i should watermark pictures so people stop passing them off as actual pictures lol but also go play with it

welcome to linux. your screensaver is set to ‘none’. the display power management settings UI is set to never switch off the screen. and the screen switches off every half an hour. this is because the “real” settings are in 19 bullshit files somewhere, and they all override each other. because it’s linux you can edit all 19 files yourself, it only takes a couple of hours! but by the time you’re done there’s been a package update that resets your changes. it also changed the config file format

i’m still constantly surprised that one of the biggest hurdles when learning anything gamedev related is not necessarily your technical know how, or even skill, it’s knowing the right specific terminology so that you know what questions to ask to find the right answers.
there’s about a dozen different ways of doing the same thing but only one is right for you…

learning something new i’m always struggling with what a specific thing is called so i can find the right rabbit hole to fall down.

linux is Fine. it's All Right. if you need something to run on a 10 year old laptop or know how to execute the ancient sacred runes. it's the proselytizing against windows that i tire of. your breaking updates are no better, bucko!!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!