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i wish i could feel like i'm not being ostracized and isolated on purpose since 2019 lmao

what mainframes/minicomputers are you compatible with? — true RS232-level serial scares me, my circuits are only TTL tolerant

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why the hell did this random sim just walk into my apartment and make a beeline for my fridge what the fuck

tfw a sims 3 mod you want is vaporware because all the download links and mirrors are dead 😔

@panos so Calckey split from Misskey and then Kainoa fucked something up and then Calckey changed its name to Firefish and then Firefish had a trademark problem in some countries and then Iceshrimp split from Firefish to hard fork and then Catodon split from Firefish because it was unmaintainable and now Catodon is named -todon even though it's not a Mastodon fork and also it's near-identically named to Catstodon and also Kainoa is AWOL

Shakespeare couldn't have written a better drama comedy.

does need updating? does ? what features are we still chasing? can't we consider microblogging a solved issue and move on instead of this high school drama shit

i really need to stop posting here and just go back to my own spaces

nobody will follow me there and i'll be lonely on the last forum and irc on earth while people keep saying they wish forums and irc were still a thing but at least i feel like i'll be arguing with people a lot less

this website is no better than twitter because it's literally the same people doing the same things

the little less transphobia is just a restructuring symptom, the main modus operandi is the same for any microblogging

"wow cool Linux setup you spent countless hours on! By the way here's a completely different distro you should format your computer and start over with also if you ever utter the word Windows to me I'm calling the cops"

the internet has not for a second been a net positive place but i think we really lost the last shred of empathy with microblogging

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you know it really is nice when you make a funny meme for giggles on the internet and people flood your notifications about how clearly you must be wrong, i love waking up to that

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!