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maybe everybody is just too shy to talk to me because i'm too cool 😔 unfortunate

for a catgirl in the fediverse i sure am not getting any interaction here. is it because i'm not wearing programmer socks

"huh what an interesting minimalistic aesthetic for this cafe"
[15 seconds later textures start loading in]

i am formally declaring myself married to LEGO Series 23: Reindeer Costume Girl. she is my wife and we will live happily together in lego set 4954

are there any good cat ear mods for sims 3 because all the ones i found are honestly pretty garbyage and the only good one i ever found was for sims 4

no but see it has "official" i nthe url and two (count em!!) checkmarks

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it's 2024 and some peolpe online still don't know about fake corp tumblr accounts lol?

properly defined guides and standards like these are why not only floss but any graphic-design-is-my-passion "material" "design" UI will never beat windows 95

(h/t for more dissertation about it)

@madewokherd now i'm thinking about an FPGA core that runs WASM bytecode, running a webassembly x86 emulator on it. Oh no

java and flash made for a more creative web and i think scorched-earthing that was only ever a net negative regardless of security concerns and the only people who think the web is better off now are squares who never set foot on newgrounds or kongregate

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thinking about how minecraft is pretty much only made in java because it started being developed when we could still embed java applets on web pages

the beauty of linux distributions and package managers is that you can be safe in the knowledge that your version of a program will always be 2 years behind the easily downloadable windows .EXE of the same program

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!