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hey if you're awake enough to follow me. i have no true text anywhere, it's all a headache

restarting openssh server failed. open journalctl -xe to find out why

journalctl -xe: restarting openssh server failed.

love transfems on tumblr saying cohost is good because the ownership is 3/4 transfems joke's on you and both have full 1/1 transfem ownership so it's better

bring back multi-column desktop website designs. stop making everything mobile-first. sometimes i just want my eye sensors blasted with information. look at this website

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i'm not against more accessibility on the internet but i really have a sour taste left in my sensors about how much fun and creativity has been killed in the name of decrying them as "accessibility nightmares"

if i can control the printhead directly and bypass the entire controller so i can print whatever pattern i want instead of just text, that would be ideal. i just have no idea how to approach it

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i've tried to do this with an AVR board, but from what i understand GPIOs aren't really suited for closing contacts like this. maybe with a ground/voltage reference i could pull a pin to the same value, but i'm not entirely sure if that would work or what the circuit needs to look like not to damage any of the parts.

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here's a problem i've been thinking about for a couple years now

i got a Typestar 10-II, it is immensely cost cut and barely has any features.

i want to make it into an ASCII printer. i don't have a logic analyzer to figure out the communication or levels between the controller and the print head. i thought about faking keypresses but i'm not sure what i can use to close a circuit like a key. by my account if i wanted to use 4066s it would go out of hand in part count fast.

what would you do?

As the United States of America is neither a union of all the states in the Americas nor the only union of states in the Americas, and as such the demonym "American" robs the identities of two whole continents of nations and most of a third continent, I propose that the federal union currently bearing the name should instead recognize the heritage of its first emperor, adopting the name "Nortonian Empire," and recognizing its people with the demonym "Nortonian," effective 1859-09-17.

"you shouldn't feel bad about not doing anything all day, capitalism is a human construct!!! 😊😊😊💜💜💜" i don't feel bad because i'm not productive in the capitalist sense. i feel bad because i've done nothing but scroll social media all day. being productive for the self regardless of capitalism is mental health too. fuck your toxic positivity

i wish the united states a very get a country name that doesn't usurp my continent's name

dwm.exe was somehow choking it. killed the process, nothing seems to have changed behaviour so i'm not sure what from it was choking, but now my GPU usage cratered.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!