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RFC 2232, in case you need standardized details of how to implement DHCP via clothespins on devices without automated DHCP client software or compatible DHCP server software:

it's life jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it, not as we know it

dear amiga keyboard replacement manufacturers can we not get these tin plated yet like modern flat cables we all know this carbon crap is going to scrape away in 2 years and i'll have to buy a new one but maybe that's the plan

wishing discord had timed blocks and no blocked message tombstones but hey they'll probably put that behind a nitro paywall too

linux the most customizable operating system in the world "can i make my hardware behave the way it did in a previous kernel without having to downgrade the kernel" No shut up you will use open source software the way we want you to and you will like it

: anyone know how i can translate TouchBegin/TouchEnd Xinput2 events into ButtoDown/ButtonUp for an program (unmodifiable) which works with mouse pointer input but not with a touchscreen which used to fire mouse button events in kernel 4.4 but no longer does in kernel 5.14?

: anyone know how i can translate TouchBegin/TouchEnd Xinput2 events into ButtoDown/ButtonUp for an program (unmodifiable) which works with mouse pointer input but not with a touchscreen which used to fire mouse button events in kernel 4.4 but no longer does in kernel 5.14?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!