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i have no idea what the scope of ScummVM even is anymore at this point but i'm always excited to see them supporting more games to be played on modern machines

*youtuber voice* at only $1799, this product is a great budget option for those who are just getting into the hobby, and are maybe thinking about trying out an entry-level model

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Hey friends, it's hard to write this, but it's time to retire I wrote a post about it here:

TLDR the site will go read-only on or around December 15th.

I'm so thankful for all the support and good times here ❤️ thanks everyone

the best prices i can find on eBay are around 60 pounds and even those i'm not fully sure aren't just DVD only drives with blu ray in the title same as the ones being sold for 17 quid

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is there anywhere to get an external usb blu ray drive in the UK that's significantly less than 100 pounds that isn't Amazon or eBay scam listings for drives that are actually DVD only or did blu ray really become a dead format before ever going down in price like DVD did

almost 20 years in and bluray drives are still expensive huh?

what do you think is the most compromised commercial backport of a game? i used to think it was arcade recreations for the ZX spectrum until i found out there are atari 2600 versions of double dragon and ikari warriors

hackathon prompt: an hour long film is shown. you have 24h to submit an at most 1mb compression of it. participants vote for the one that best represents the aesthetic quality of the film. anything goes: dropping frames, dithering, down sampling, collages, generative synthesis of the sound track, making a single drawing, etc. I think some very interesting media ideas would come out of the process.

me: *presses play on an app*

app: Great! Your journey is about to begin! Just some questions first. Where were you born? How would you describe your income bracket?

me: *dismiss*

app: Got it! We'll ask you next time before asking you questions.

me: *presses shuffle button*

app: Got it! Shuffle enabled until tomorrow.

notification: Somebody enabled shuffle playback on your account. Click here to verify

notification: 🏆ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: Power user

app: Do you want to rate this app? - Going live with a slightly more analytical article for Golfshrine, as I think about how being good at a golf video game is nowhere near the same thing as being good at actual golf.

a month from now when i share how hard it was to do this someone is going to go “oh you mean [insert appropriate term for what i wanted to do], it’s easy here…” and i’ll be like 🫠💀 because it’s all about knowing the complicated words so you can look up how. if you don’t know complicated words, well…

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!