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combined likes and reblogs across all 3 release posts: 77, mostly from strangers

combined replies/mentions directed at me i can easily find: about 6 or 7? mostly from mutuals.

creating things online is a lonely job

if you like the things i built and you don't want to tell me or buy me a ko-fi about it then at the very least please stop using chrome

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maybe i shouldn't have caved, i absolutely think Chrome and Google will destroy whatever's left of the web as we know it, but i have a trauma response to bothering people

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someone loudly complained about the notice i put on my website (which includes pages such as and ) that Chrome is an unsupported browser. i don't want to not have the notice as i find it important for people to know i will not offer support if they have issues while using Chrome, but i caved and make it look less ominous.

v0.3 out!

  • NEW palette remap mode
  • NEW gradient palettes to play with
  • tweaks to dithering algorithms for better results
  • option to un-stretch non-square pixels

happy new year! 🎉🥂

coming soon to : luminosity-based palette retargeting

(or, in adobe parlance, gradient map)


like yeah thats 2k pounds but that's still cheaper than any motocompo used i've found

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i'm trying to think of more things to put in the , namely a way for it to generate a luminosity-based indexed image that can be palette-swapped later (i.e. what webgbcam already does) but to add that function in i'm struggling to think about what the UI controlling it would look like and function together with what's already there


Please enjoy one (1) 16-color dithered Pike, pixelated and ready to pounce. Created using mavica’s Ditherinator.

[🖼 A stylized pixelated 16-color image of a small Yorkshire terrier in a pounce position on a living room floor. Behind him is a pile of several dog toys and two bowls with kibble and water. He is dwarfed by a green couch in the background.]

Also by chance this week my friend Branen recently did a deep dive into the etymology of “dither” in the image processing context and found this 1912 citation where it meant allowing a little vibration for smooth movement of a piston, and this 1952 diagram comparing mechanical and electronic dither.

Or as he summarized:

Dither as a way of making machines work more smoothly -> dither as a way of decorrelating quantization noise from signal -> dither as a way of making digital images look better

That’s pretty neat.

#ditherinator #imageProcessing #pike #pixelArt #retrocomputing

It's made me grumpy. I'm tired of living in a world where everyone is constantly out to trick, wheedle and dark-pattern stuff out of you on the sly.

Just charge a fair price for good work for smeg's sake. Piss off with the trickery, fucks sake. 🦬

halt and catch fire was so good i might just have to watch it a fifth time

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!