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Was wurde eigentlich aus der Volksabstimmung zur Impfpflicht?

Die Entscheidung wäre nicht leicht. Und egal wie es ausgehen würde, das Ergebnis wäre demokratisch legitimiert, was sicher gut für den sozialen Frieden wäre.

My things-that-let-me-know-that-I'm-getting-older-list with things that were litterally unimaginable when I was younger has grown very much in the last months/years (most things are positive).

Just discovered that I have native IPv6 now (seems my ISP has finally enabled it). Feeling like 2021

»Jeder Stillstand ist eine stinkender Sumpf.« — leider nicht von mir, wobei ich es anders formulieren würde, weil ich Sümpfe mag

Was gendered "as I would prefer" (in binary terms) in the inn of a catholic abbey. Feeling as if the pope himself would have validated my existence.

Somehow ironic: I'm now using the DNS-over-TLS [directly in the FritzBox] from CleanBrowsing, which provides "porn filtering" for "concerned parents" (why do I think that they're "concerned" about evil people like me, too?). However they have also a DNS that blocks only malware, and they promise to not log any requests. So I'll give it a try in combination with Quad9. 😀

(Even if both would log, I think it would still be better than leaving the complete DNS history at my ISP.)

I love The Squid Game. I wish there would be even the hope to win something in The Real Game.

Hardest task for a long time: not to hate myself just for existing. Challenge accepted

Gibt's sowas wie Encarta noch? Digitales Lexikon, echtes Geld für echten digitalen Inhalt?

Hab leider nur Online-Subscriptions gefunden. Würde mit Vergnügen zahlen, aber keine Immerkühe.

Erkenntnis des Tages: Wikipedia ist Müll (Konzept & Inhalt)

Best and most important sticker ever. Directly below my screen to remind me not to use "the Internet" unintentionally. Most of the time it works... the other times I'm fucked up

Habe kapituliert und jetzt ein Samsung-Google-Handy vom Libro, nachdem ich den kaputten Frickel-Müll nicht mehr ertragen habe.

Being toxic in the video game chat just to be the first one

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!