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"What is happening at Boeing is happening in every industry. A general trend toward financialisation & hedge fund culture that sees only numbers, not peoples lives or wellbeing. It's just that aviation has a way of making the corruption impossible to hide. It's the dead canary." - Ben King

it has been 0 days since i've ran into a website i never heard of before having wording that means that i, personally, am arbitrarily blocked from viewing it, because i decided to spawn in the wrong part of the world

but when china does it, it's an outrage

@rail_ Agree, I've wanted to remap Win+C to my favorite calculator program for so long on my Windows install, but it won't let me.

How Windows users can even live without Linux keyboard shortcuts/layout

That's barbaric

Dear Excellent Fediversian Who Recommended Timer Pill Bottle Caps: a thousand times thank you! These things are genius. SO many times (just now, for example) the timers have saved my brain-fogged ass from double-dosing. All technology should be this useful.

Imagine having a queue of 600+ links of stuff to see later

Couldn't be me, haha (lying)

ultra hat dimension and kitsune zero are on sale on steam and we still need all the help we can get to reach the end of kitsune tails development this year

ultra hat dimension is an adorable game where you solve puzzles with polite requests made while wearing the right hat which you can buy for just $1.64:

kitsune zero is an original super mario bros like platformer where a kitsune rescues a princess, err, i mean a cute boy, available for only $3.34:

you can buy both of them for only 5 bucks or pick up all our games for barely more than it costs to get a copy of possession roguelike midboss:

Just had a girl infodump about digital signal filters at me for a solid hour and I think I really needed that.

my partner said to post this
so although i don't usually tattoos on the internet, and my back is WOW a huge WIP, here we are :3

it's been a few years but this is still one of my favourite GIFs ever

I now see the true purpose of life, it's kissing girls and cuddling with girls

@mynotaurus as far as i'm concerned though it's already paid for itself because it gave me the gift of this photo which i got to post with the caption "this is the future liberals want"

kids these days don’t want to be CEOs they just want to be:

  • server maid
  • shitposter
  • woem artist
  • hyperpop producer
  • doll
  • skirt spinner
  • yesterweb designer
  • furry barista
  • yuri engineer
  • doll

Fediverse 0day (not verified but 99% sure it works):

Toot something with content ppl will support and boost in the html but something horrible in the plain text or vice versa.

This inspired by instances that put all the @'s in html so they don't get rendered right on reader's instance. 🤬

The right fix is for the receiving/interpreting instance to attempt to align content between the versions and warn or show both if they don't clearly align (and maybe always have a feature to toggle which is shown). I know I hate getting html toots that are just "plain text but in an ugly font" too...

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Heads-up FOSS maintainers!

There is a person sending bulk patches/PRs to FOSS projects for supposed issues "Found by RASU JSC" (not sure if that's a static analysis tool itself, or some org).

The patches I've received are all very, VERY wrong formulatic changes, maybe even LLM-generated, doing things as stupid as replacing sprintf(s, fmt, ...) with snprintf(s, sizeof s, fmt, ...) where s has pointer type.

If you've accepted any such patches, review carefully & possibly revert!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!