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This pattern of toxic CEOs posting from corporate social media accounts, forcing highly visible product changes based on their own personal drama etc is certainly revealing what joke organisations populate the tech industry lol

So if you're looking to run away from Proton Mail following their recent "opinions", you have a sense of adventure, and you want to take pride in maintaining your own communication, may I suggest taking a peek at @mwl 's "Run Your Own Mail Server" book?

Yes--it's a lot of work up front and looks very intimidating at first, but having gone through the process long before the book existed I can say it's an amazing feeling to take back control of my email.

Elon Musk and deradicalizing people 

If you see someone who’s questioning Elon Musk for the first time because he obviously lied about having a top account on Path of Exile — do not mock them, do not shame them, do not complain that they should have figured this out years ago. That would just be pushing them back into the radicalizing environment they’re currently standing on the edge of saying “wait a moment…”

Radicalizing environments and cults pull people away from their friends and family and tell them that they’ll be mocked for embracing the truth but it’s worth it. The mockery then pushes them into the arms of the ones saying “shh shh, we understand… don’t worry, you’re the smart one here, they’ll be sorry.”

Yes, obviously lying about Path of Exile doesn’t even make his top one hundred worst sins. That’s not the point. The point is that this one is clear as day to the exact demographic he’s targeting — lonely young men. Once you conclude for yourself that someone is irrefutably a liar, it becomes easier to revisit what they said before and reevaluate it.


The claim that republicans will be able to tackle big tech abuses glosses over the fact that an unelected dictator wannabe is pulling the strings here.

Useless shitheads.

Proton unpinned and edited their original reply on the reddit thread.

Here's the post the Proton team originally commented on and edited and unpinned:

Here's the other other post:

I'm still a Renamon 🦊 but I'm also a werewolf! 🐺
Awooooo! 💜

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In my 20s I was a werewolf and I was so happy; some of the best years of my life!
When I got to my 30s I developed a loathing of myself and everything I liked. Turns out this was 100% dysphoria and the reason I hated everything was because it was all me being male.
But now I know I'm trans and I'm getting medication it's kinda like everything's rewinding back to then; feelings I haven't felt for decades have come flooding back!
Part of that is being a werewolf! 🐺

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Werewolf DONE!
Name chosen: "Riveclaw" (pronounced /ˈriːva/) which comes from an old norse/Icelandic/Yorkshire word meaning "to tear/rip".

I am so incredibly happy with how this turned out. People who've known me a long time will know that werewolves are important to me, but dysphoria and gender confusion pushed that all away, but I'm glad that it's coming back with a strength I haven't felt before!

This is a side of me resurfacing. 💜 🐺

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Werewolf self redesign is done and I am SO HAPPY

but now there's the problem of a name "Graafen" doesn't fit, but also I want something that's related to the history of where I live/grew up; Yorkshire/Danelaw historical influences.

Time to make a list of names, haha

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oh my god oh my god I've almost finished my werewolf woman and I'm SO EXCITED

I cannot wait to show you all but I wanna do a good background first

Out in the snow, 2017.

(one way to tell if it's an older photo or not are the gloves - those have been retired)

#WerewolfWednesday #Werewolf #Fursuit #Snow

Fault report: "2nd monitor on desk doesn't work; gives an error that there is no cable connection. Checked all cables and settings but fault persists so must be faulty cable."
Me: "Visited desk. Monitor was not plugged into the docking station. Plugged it back in and tested working."

Starting my trans journey is one of the best decisions I ever made. 💜💛

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Eating less and doing meal prep for work lunches is helping me feel better. Now gotta work on getting more active so I can start really losing weight to be a slender Renamon/Werewolf.

2025. you go to a website. you see all the elements on the page pop-in, loading one by one. it's like the 90s again. your internet connection might be hundreds of megabits per second. the web designer is using a 4k video file as a looping background, and that somehow loads quickly compared to all the actual useful elements on the page. three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds. each checkbox and table has to initialize its own software stack of UI abstraction libraries and surveillance middleware

I bought some lineart last night and spent a few hours doing some basic colouring and holy shit wow where has this feeling been hiding??

I think I'm about 50% complete on colouring; probably not going to do any shading, as it's just a jumping off point for getting a proper ref sheet done in a few months time, but I'm really happy with where I am with the design!

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BikeHopper now shows you at a glance where the steep hills along your route are!

This required me to learn way too much about the obscure SDF image format, used by MapLibre.

Found some werewolf line art for sale, that I liked, and spent the past hour or so working on colours!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!