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Capitalism dates back to the European Renaissance.

Money dates back to 3000BCE Mesopotamia.

Get a leg up on the pile
and refinance your dreams.
Come on down and dial:

As a former librarian I wish a very friendly Fuck You and Die to book publishers. They are the scum of the Earth.

They hate libraries. Did you know that they induce artificial scarcity by making libraries pay for each digital copy of a book? Despite ebooks being infinitely replicable, they make libraries pay for more than one copy at a time. Publishers deliberately force a limit on the supply of digital library books to extort more money out of libraries for popular titles.

In addition, publishers lobbied (in the UK) to make library ebooks only work through their apps on mobile and PC, and not compatible with any Kindle/Kobo/etc so people wouldn’t get a good experience. There is a cartel — made primarily of a company called Overdrive. Their app is absolute buggy dogshit. A far cry from the breezy and simple interface of an e-reader.

But it gets worse. Original proposals from the publishers wanted it so that service users could only download ebooks while physically in the library, thus negating the convenience of them!

Despite ebooks being cheaper to produce than a traditional book and infinitely reproducable, Overdrive will sometimes charge more for an ebook than a supplier would charge for the equivalent physical copy.

Publishers would have lobbied against the invention of public libraries if they could. And take it from me — public libraries are one of the few open spaces left on this planet where one can just exist at without needing to pay for anything.

HRT is fucking magical; I get why people draw it like a potion!

I ran out over Xmas and had been taking half dose until a new order arrived (including a week of no HRT at all), and mere days after getting back on it I'm feeling happy and reconnecting to parts of me that I'd forgotten were there inside me all along!! 💜🐺

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proud to announce the launch of GardevoirEATS, a licensed themed restaurant where you too can buy [checks notes] berries and pet kibble

One of the werewolf memories that has resurfaced is when my Wiccan friends, having helped discover this werewolf side of me, took me out on a heath during a full moon and just looked after me as I laid in the grass, looking up at the super bright moon. 🌕🐺

I need to go do that again next full moon.

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One of the werewolf memories that has resurfaced is when my Wiccan friends, having helped discover this werewolf side of me, took me out on a heath during a full moon and just looked after me as I laid in the grass, looking up at the super bright moon. 🌕🐺

I need to go do that again next full moon.

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this is how fox's access the internet btw. just in case you didn't know

James Lee dumping Adobe and Windows and his new vid basically a love letter to free and open source software, even linux, and the ideas behind the communities etc :>

the rant / meltdown about shareholder profit at the end too xDD

Haha wow just had one of those overwhelming emotional turns that became a happy cry, which I had to stifle because in the office, but heck I'm so so happy with how I look here ;__; 💜🐺💜🐺🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

oh cool, Gnome has no automatic dark mode anymore because Mozilla (the advertisement and AI company) thought it was financially not worthwhile to keep their daytime and location API alive

Upgrade your gender now before it's too late! The new gender 2.0 is out!

Just to clarify, because upon re-reading this does seem to go either way, this is a good thing! ^.^

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Last night I got home from work, decided to update my blog, and everything just poured out. Memories inaccessible for decades resurfaced.

I spent like two hours writing down my thoughts about myself, when I was a teenager, werewolves, and being trans. I've come to realise that me being a werewolf and me being trans are VERY strongly connected.

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I really want to get back into streaming, so I can maybe start to earn a lil money, but I need help with a second monitor and a microphone.

Anything helps!

@julia rare UK win on this. There’s no such thing as a “legal name”, you can refer to yourself as anything in any scenario. Names that appear on official documents can be changed at will, or ignored if you see fit. If you want to make a name change official, you just need to declare it and it becomes true. Nobody can stop you. I can become Princess Consuela Banana Hammock right now and everyone else will just have to adjust.

Like, legitimately, one of my colleagues decided to start calling himself Paul – so we all started calling him Paul. Then the IT services changed his name on the system to Paul, and that was it.

It’s so easy that the entire way to declare a name change is literally one page on


Werewolf DONE!
Name chosen: "Riveclaw" (pronounced /ˈriːva/) which comes from an old norse/Icelandic/Yorkshire word meaning "to tear/rip".

I am so incredibly happy with how this turned out. People who've known me a long time will know that werewolves are important to me, but dysphoria and gender confusion pushed that all away, but I'm glad that it's coming back with a strength I haven't felt before!

This is a side of me resurfacing. 💜 🐺

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The 1am trans journey of remembering a big part of my youth and how I'm a trans werewolf was such a revelation following finishing this.

I uploaded it to the socials and a friend messaged me about it and, for some weird timing reason, my memories unlocked and everything came flooding back. I info dumped and then passed out in bed until my morning alarm went off.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!