oh my god oh my god I've almost finished my werewolf woman and I'm SO EXCITED

I cannot wait to show you all but I wanna do a good background first

Werewolf self redesign is done and I am SO HAPPY

but now there's the problem of a name "Graafen" doesn't fit, but also I want something that's related to the history of where I live/grew up; Yorkshire/Danelaw historical influences.

Time to make a list of names, haha

Werewolf DONE!
Name chosen: "Riveclaw" (pronounced /ˈriːva/) which comes from an old norse/Icelandic/Yorkshire word meaning "to tear/rip".

I am so incredibly happy with how this turned out. People who've known me a long time will know that werewolves are important to me, but dysphoria and gender confusion pushed that all away, but I'm glad that it's coming back with a strength I haven't felt before!

This is a side of me resurfacing. πŸ’œ 🐺

In my 20s I was a werewolf and I was so happy; some of the best years of my life!
When I got to my 30s I developed a loathing of myself and everything I liked. Turns out this was 100% dysphoria and the reason I hated everything was because it was all me being male.
But now I know I'm trans and I'm getting medication it's kinda like everything's rewinding back to then; feelings I haven't felt for decades have come flooding back!
Part of that is being a werewolf! 🐺

I'm still a Renamon 🦊 but I'm also a werewolf! 🐺
Awooooo! πŸ’œ


Last night I got home from work, decided to update my blog, and everything just poured out. Memories inaccessible for decades resurfaced.

I spent like two hours writing down my thoughts about myself, when I was a teenager, werewolves, and being trans. I've come to realise that me being a werewolf and me being trans are VERY strongly connected.

Β· Β· 3 Β· 0 Β· 6

Just to clarify, because upon re-reading this does seem to go either way, this is a good thing! ^.^

One of the werewolf memories that has resurfaced is when my Wiccan friends, having helped discover this werewolf side of me, took me out on a heath during a full moon and just looked after me as I laid in the grass, looking up at the super bright moon. πŸŒ•πŸΊ

I need to go do that again next full moon.

HRT is fucking magical; I get why people draw it like a potion!

I ran out over Xmas and had been taking half dose until a new order arrived (including a week of no HRT at all), and mere days after getting back on it I'm feeling happy and reconnecting to parts of me that I'd forgotten were there inside me all along!! πŸ’œπŸΊ

Finsihed writing up about me being a werewolf. I think I've covered everything!

A lot of this is resurfacing memories from 20 years ago, so it might ramble a bit. This is mainly a record for myself, so I've always got a way to recall the main points of it all.

I hope you enjoy it, if you do read. :)


If you had the bingo square "Renby changes her name to Riveclaw" you may now mark it.

In seriousness being a werewolf woman is such a strong and powerful feeling in me that I am fully embracing it, and Renby is now an OC that I play from time to time (and am still VERY fond of!) πŸ’œπŸΊπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

Kinda realised that people are gonna be asking how my name is pronounced and I think I'm just gonna nip that in the but by changing the e to an a. My name is Rivaclaw. ^^

(Adding another post, with an updated pic, so I can pin this to my profile)

Howls! I'm Rivaclaw, a trans werewolf woman!

Just a couple of points:

1) For clarification (because I wasn't as clear as I could have been ^^;) "Riva" is pronounced like "River"

2) Please do call me Riverclaw! πŸ’œπŸΊπŸŒ•

(I'm not changing any usernames for continuity/discoverability, but I'd really prefer it if you do call me Riverclaw over Renby. Renby is a character I play and get art of, and Rivaclaw is who I am. πŸ’œ)

@garrwolfdog I have to stress that this was in my teenage years and I've unfortunately lost contact with all of those people due to moving and stuff, but I'm glad to have been friends with them at the time. ^^

@dragonarchitect Sorry for the triple post I just wanna get this right, haha.

Like river but replace the "er" sound with an "ah" sound. :3

@renbymon Ahhh okay. Figured it was probably going to be either that or "Rive" as in riving knife~

@renbymon *excitedly chitters "Riva" much like Wall-E chants "Eva"* <3

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