Werewolf DONE!
Name chosen: "Riveclaw" (pronounced /ˈriːva/) which comes from an old norse/Icelandic/Yorkshire word meaning "to tear/rip".
I am so incredibly happy with how this turned out. People who've known me a long time will know that werewolves are important to me, but dysphoria and gender confusion pushed that all away, but I'm glad that it's coming back with a strength I haven't felt before!
This is a side of me resurfacing. 💜 🐺
In my 20s I was a werewolf and I was so happy; some of the best years of my life!
When I got to my 30s I developed a loathing of myself and everything I liked. Turns out this was 100% dysphoria and the reason I hated everything was because it was all me being male.
But now I know I'm trans and I'm getting medication it's kinda like everything's rewinding back to then; feelings I haven't felt for decades have come flooding back!
Part of that is being a werewolf! 🐺
Last night I got home from work, decided to update my blog, and everything just poured out. Memories inaccessible for decades resurfaced.
I spent like two hours writing down my thoughts about myself, when I was a teenager, werewolves, and being trans. I've come to realise that me being a werewolf and me being trans are VERY strongly connected.
Finsihed writing up about me being a werewolf. I think I've covered everything!
A lot of this is resurfacing memories from 20 years ago, so it might ramble a bit. This is mainly a record for myself, so I've always got a way to recall the main points of it all.
I hope you enjoy it, if you do read. :)
Kinda realised that people are gonna be asking how my name is pronounced and I think I'm just gonna nip that in the but by changing the e to an a. My name is Rivaclaw. ^^
Just a couple of points:
1) For clarification (because I wasn't as clear as I could have been ^^;) "Riva" is pronounced like "River"
2) Please do call me Riverclaw! 💜🐺🌕
(I'm not changing any usernames for continuity/discoverability, but I'd really prefer it if you do call me Riverclaw over Renby. Renby is a character I play and get art of, and Rivaclaw is who I am. 💜)
@renbymon hello,,
@renbymon big woof
@PsyChuan awooooooo!!! 💜🐺🌕
@renbymon Rivaclaw friend awwoooo c:
@trans_lykanthropie Awoooooooo!!!!!! 💜🐺🌕
@renbymon awwwwwooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :3
@trans_lykanthropie *pounces and licks werewolf friend!!!*
@renbymon ehehe awwoooo! -licks back-
(Adding another post, with an updated pic, so I can pin this to my profile)
Howls! I'm Rivaclaw, a trans werewolf woman!