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Reminded about Crysis Remastered.
Go to around 15 minutes for the problems

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ukpol, Starmer's speech 

"During his conference speech today – summarised by one wag as ‘spend 17 years getting ready for work and learning to follow the rules, then the rest of your life working and following the rules’ – Keir Starmer quoted ‘the beauty of work’ as a driving force for what passes for his ‘vision’s the UK.

Starmer attributed his idea to Auden – but in fact the ‘beauty of work’, ‘Schönheit der Arbeit’, was the slogan of a propaganda department of the nazi regime from 1934 to 1945"

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wow thanks to tvtropes i just learned mr. rogers is the reason recording TV on like a DVR or VCR or whatever isn't illegal

"In a case that made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1984, the TV and movie industries sued manufactures of VCRs on the grounds that recording their programming was copyright infringement. Enter Fred Rogers, who testified on behalf of home recording, saying he didn't mind if people recorded his shows and that it was a very good thing for families to be able to watch programs together whenever they wanted to, rather than being controlled by an arbitrary network. The court specifically cited his testimony in their decision. So in other words if you like not being tied down to Appointment Television, you can thank Mr. Rogers."


@Nine The canonical reason for the death of Isildur and the loss of the ring of power.

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Turns out it was just an entire bad spindle of discs... and as an aside, I think I had a trojan bitcoin miner attached to a program which might have been glitching my sound as it's all running smooth after a reset.

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Getting tired of failed blu ray burns (it's not the drive as I've replaced it). Testing hardware to make sure it's not the RAM being faulty it something, then probably going to refresh Windows to remove software issues.
Really triggering my depression :(

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moth pickup line: "sorry for bumping into you. it's just that i think you're the light of my life"

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random short fiction piece based on a random thought in my shitpost generating brain 

"Well i'll be a horse's ass" he murmured, as he looked over appreciatively at the stallion in bed beside him.

The horse groaned and ran a hand over his face, glancing wearily over his shoulder at his donkey husband. "We've been married six years; are you gonna be doing this EVERY time you wake up?"

His partner grinned, seeing the badly hidden smirk on the stallion's face; "Only until it stops being funny."

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Twitter screenshot, not a dunk I promise, cyberpunk 

Someone pointed out that the dude that pioneered cyberpunk as a genre is on Twitter and I've been never more happy to see someone retweet a very particular post

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a reminder of when The Register single-handedly created what remains to this day the apex predator of headline writing

Okay, so my nanochip(s) have connected to the 5G network. How do I hack them to slap Linux Mint on them? Or even Windows 10 (since Bill Gates is the mastermind behind it)? Need to abuse this 5G network as much as possible... maybe even whack on a VPN for Netflix :)

Hey @Nine , another youtuber you might not know of but I know you'll like;
Modern Vintage Gamer

Sitting here trying not be mad since I've basically wasted 2 weeks of work because someone else couldn't be arsed to give me feedback when requested and only at the end.
This project is cursed and there's like 80% of me that just wants to throw in the towel and tell said individual to fix it themselves.

Having a blue screen when trying to ? Seems a patch borked some printers. Here's instructions on uninstalling it until fix what wasn't broken :)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!