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re: Mentions of murder and suicide (not graphic) 

The last line is a joke.
But yes, I'm exceedingly stressed out by all of that.

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Mentions of murder and suicide (not graphic) 

Me: [Create PDF]
Them: It's wrong
Me: Re-Creates PDF with changes
Them: It's wrong
[...and so on...]
Me: Wait, how is it wrong?
Them: Well, I imported the PDF into another program and exported a page and it looks wrong
Me: [Contemplates a murder-suicide pact]

Just been working on a computer running extremely slow and trying to figure it out. Get frustrated at slow shutdown to reboot into Live CD, so turn power supply off..... and it doesn't.
Yep, that'll be the power supply then!

@Nine I'm assuming you want a bottle picking up then? Shall mention it to the wife :)

salith boosted

The cats always knew, somehow.

Most cats know, actually, but few care, and even the ones that care, fewer still know what to do.

So even without a sob or missed meal, my cats knew when to lay themselves over me, purring peace back into my tensed limbs and joy back into my heart.

The youngest was still learning and would bring me all her toys, laying them beside my head.

Maybe it was just for the extra treats, but I still appreciated it.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #Caturday

Been feeling like crap, so decided to play/finish Automata.......... quite a ride..... and not sure if I liked it at the end or not (got A-E endings).

Really do like mice, but the has a failing that it's hard to lift the mouse in use, so I've had to add tiny little plastic 'bumps' to rectify that.

salith boosted

Dunno if you've seen but the newest expansion to Sins: The Roleplaying Game (you know, that roleplaying game I helped write), is on KS, so uh. yeah! that will be book number 2 that I've had published!

And The Will of the Wisps Switch Analysis: Inside An 'Impossible' Port

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!