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feeling good since I made a homebrew dnd 5e creature tonight! will post the full info later (probably within the next 24h) since I'm already in bed n tired :blob_dizzy_face:

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@auravulpes genderpunk (aka genderfuck) is, in fact, a thing, and you're darn tootin' here by embodying it so well 🎊

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it's time to spring your jorts back into jants

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the fire emblem franchise was so good until they found out about “horny”

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This. F–k this form of “SEO.” “I don’t provide an AMP version of my blog, because I think it’s unnecessary. My website loads blazingly fast, because I hand optimized every line of code and it only has a minimal amount of JavaScript[.]”

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important Skyrim mods: the ones that make Argonians look more lizardy

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ppl make fun of the Generic Anime Protagonist Boy look so much, it's wild to see the same problem in so many korean live-action series

(and it's not "asian people all look the same", the minor characters typically are distinguishable, it's like there's one specific face that they cast for the love interest and apply makeup on until they get it?)

((also I'm in the bottom percentile of facial recognition, I really appreciate the anime convention of giving everyone entirely different unnatural hair colors))

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me in the 90s: dad stop adding "dot com" to every word it's not funny it's corny

me today: My Favorite Web Site? you gotta know by now that it's Mast Of Don Dot Com

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millennials and gen z aren't the gayest generations. every generation before had just as many queer people, this is what happens when you remove most legal and many social repercussions for sga and gnc behavior and when you have easily accessible information on queerness.

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A man was caught stealing in a supermarket today while balanced on the shoulders of a couple of vampires. He was charged with shoplifting on two counts.

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[from wikipedia] "The Gaylactic Spectrum Awards (1999–present) are given to works of science fiction, fantasy and horror that explore LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) topics in a positive way."

ok so i think i just found myself a new reading list. and also an aspiration as a writer

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!