keel boosted

this edit isn't quite where i want it understand, don't you

keel boosted
keel boosted

you and this other guy have been working at the same firm for ten years but suddenly you both have started having these crazy nightmares lately and the other guy suddenly keeps giving you the side eye

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keel boosted

adb mfrp 

going to try to manifest some posts. diopol and caebarb today

@troubleMoney YEAH absolutely i am in the process of changing it now thank you for the heads up

@per gotcha i will lock because i should lock anwyway

@per and i love YOU normal guy!!! oh we have to watch megamind when you’re here

maybe someday i’ll have a tasteful nondescript icon for universal usage

*realizing* whoahhhhh i can make my dn whatever i want. fuck the whale guy

@per it won’t let me reply to it normally but im loving to see your drawing i think it’s good


@MUCK yeah i think it’s really funny i love this function

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!